Our Mission

We will provide excellent customer service with a high degree of integrity and attention to detail. We will streamline processes and add value to you and your business.

Why We Are Different?

  • Monthly bookkeeping and annual tax preparation for a flat monthly fee
  • Unlimited tax and accounting advice
  • Real-time financial statement preparation available on demand (Profit and Loss, Balance Sheet, GL)
  • Collaboration with client to add value to you and your business

Why a "Flat-Fee" Works for You?

  • "Value-based pricing" model allows us to bundle services at a lower cost to the customer
  • Monthly fixed pricing vs. Hourly billings shifts focus to value and outcome instead of time spent
  • Encourages an open dialogue between the client and our team
  • Increased transparency and up front knowledge of pricing for client


Paradigm Shift:

An important change that happens when the usual way of thinking about or doing something is replaced by a new and different way
— Merriam-Webster Dictionary